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Ambakes Logo

 Ambakes was created by two people with a dream of eventually owning their own Bakery! We highly recommend them and are proud to call them a partner - find out more about this amazing business by reading on!

Honeycomb Brownies by amsbakes

Based in ...

London, Ambakes run an online Etsy store, specialising in  various, delicious flavours of letterbox brownies. They're gluten free and even better still, can be delivered free of charge across the UK! 

They would like ...

to bring everyone the joy and excitement of eating delicious treats whether its a soft, creamy cheesecake or a chewy gooey chocolate Brownie!

Aiming to bring everything a Bakery should, but done even better!

Blueberry brownie at a local market
Boxed, locally baked homemade brownie

Producing high quality ...

breads and mouth-watering desserts, baked in an active bakery. Gaining knowledge everyday about their craft, you can rest assured knowing that they will do their upmost to bring you the best treats ever!


Boxed honeycomb, homemade brownies

Where can I shop or find out more?

  • At their Etsy store - Here


  • At their Instagram - Here​

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